Welcome to ldfu!
An end-to-end data processing system for data
integration and system interoperation with Linked Data.
Linked Programs are Notation3-based specifications for
accessing, processing and changing Linked Data, based on logical rules and
production rules. You can evaluate Linked Programs with ldfu.
Download beta
Data Manipulation
The ldfu system supports high-frequency data access and manipulation
via HTTP CRUD methods (Linked Data and Linked Data Platform).
Request rules specify how to access data and traverse links.
High-frequency access is suitable for Internet of Things/Web of Things scenarios.
The ldfu system includes a streaming query engine for conjunctive
queries (Basic Graph Pattern queries) over RDF data.
The ldfu system provides functionality for large-scale data
integration, including reasoning with ontologies. Deduction rules
specify how to derive new data from existing data. Reasoning
supports the integration of data from multiple sources.
Mailing List
For discussion of ldfu use the mailing list at Google
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Andreas Harth, Tobias Käfer. "Linked Data Techniques for the Web of Things". Tutorial at the 8th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2018), October 15, 2018, Santa Barbara, California, USA.
Tobias Käfer, Andreas Harth. "Specifying, Monitoring, and Executing Workflows in Linked Data Environments". International Semantic Web Conference 2018 (ISWC 2018), October 8-12, 2018, Monterey, California, USA. arXiv preprint (PDF)
Tobias Käfer, Andreas Harth. "Rule-based Programming of User Agents for Linked Data". WWW2018 Workshop on Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2018), April 23, 2018. Lyon, France.
Andreas Harth, Tobias Käfer. "Specifying and Executing Application Behaviour with Condition-Request Rules". ISWC2017 workshop on Decentralizing the Semantic Web, October 22, 2017, Vienna, Austria.
Andreas Harth, Tobias Käfer. "Rule-based Processing of Dynamic Linked Data". Tutorial at the European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2017), May 28 - June 1, 2017 in Portorož, Slovenia.
Felix Leif Keppmann, Maria Maleshkova, Andreas Harth.
"Semantic Technologies for Realising Decentralised Applications for the Web of Things".
21st International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, Nov 6-8, 2016, Dubai, UAE.
Andreas Harth, Tobias Käfer. "Towards Specification and Execution of Linked Systems".
28. GI-Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken, May 24 - 27, 2016, Nörten-Hardenberg, Germany.
- Felix Leif Keppmann, Tobias Käfer, Steffen Stadtmüller, René Schubotz and Andreas Harth. "High Performance Linked Data Processing for Virtual Reality Environments". International Semantic Web Conference (Posters & Demos). ISWC 2014, Riva del Garda, Italy.
- Felix Leif Keppmann, Tobias Käfer, Steffen Stadtmüller, René Schubotz and Andreas Harth. "Integrating Highly Dynamic RESTful Linked Data APIs in a Virtual Reality Environment". International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (Posters & Demos). ISMAR 2014, Munich, Germany.
- Andreas Harth, Craig Knoblock, Steffen Stadtmüller, Rudi Studer and Pedro Szekely. "On-the-fly Integration of Static and Dynamic Linked Data". Fourth International Workshop on Consuming Linked Data (COLD 2013). Co-located with ISWC 2013, Sydney, Australia.
- Steffen Stadtmüller, Sebastian Speiser, Andreas Harth, Rudi Studer. "Data-Fu: A Language and an Interpreter for Interaction with Read/Write Linked Data". WWW 2013, Rio de Janerio, Brasil. Please note that we have renamed the system to "Linked Data-Fu" to avoid name clashes with other projects.
- Steffen Stadtmueller, Andreas Harth. "Towards Data-driven Programming for RESTful Linked Data". First Workshop on Programming the Semantic Web, co-located with International Semantic Web Conference, 2012, Boston, MA, USA. (Slides)
Data Sources
The list contains Linked Data sources with relatively high update frequencies.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Do you separate link traversal specifications from query procesing?
- Yes, we do. Request rules can be used to specify link traversal, while a SPARQL query is evaluated on the resulting data in a streaming fashion.
Since 2012.
- I have read that Linked Data-Fu is doing remote procedure calls (RPCs). Is this true?
- The head of request rules contains HTTP requests. So you could include POST requests that do RPC-style interaction.
However, we suggest to use state manipulation CRUD operations following the HTTP semantics. Since 2012.

Andreas Harth (lead)

Daniel Schraudner

Tobias Käfer
" fill="%23000000"><g id="icons" transform="translate(56.000000, 160.000000)"><path d="M134,2008.99998 C131.783496,2008.99998 129.980955,2007.20598 129.980955,2004.99998 C129.980955,2002.79398 131.783496,2000.99998 134,2000.99998 C136.216504,2000.99998 138.019045,2002.79398 138.019045,2004.99998 C138.019045,2007.20598 136.216504,2008.99998 134,2008.99998 M137.775893,2009.67298 C139.370449,2008.39598 140.299854,2006.33098 139.958235,2004.06998 C139.561354,2001.44698 137.368965,1999.34798 134.722423,1999.04198 C131.070116,1998.61898 127.971432,2001.44898 127.971432,2004.99998 C127.971432,2006.88998 128.851603,2008.57398 130.224107,2009.67298 C126.852128,2010.93398 124.390463,2013.89498 124.004634,2017.89098 C123.948368,2018.48198 124.411563,2018.99998 125.008391,2018.99998 C125.519814,2018.99998 125.955881,2018.61598 126.001095,2018.10898 C126.404004,2013.64598 129.837274,2010.99998 134,2010.99998 C138.162726,2010.99998 141.595996,2013.64598 141.998905,2018.10898 C142.044119,2018.61598 142.480186,2018.99998 142.991609,2018.99998 C143.588437,2018.99998 144.051632,2018.48198 143.995366,2017.89098 C143.609537,2013.89498 141.147872,2010.93398 137.775893,2009.67298" id="profile-[%231341]"></path></g></g></g></svg>)
Benedikt Kämpgen (user #1)

Maribel Acosta (retired)
" fill="%23000000"><g id="icons" transform="translate(56.000000, 160.000000)"><path d="M134,2008.99998 C131.783496,2008.99998 129.980955,2007.20598 129.980955,2004.99998 C129.980955,2002.79398 131.783496,2000.99998 134,2000.99998 C136.216504,2000.99998 138.019045,2002.79398 138.019045,2004.99998 C138.019045,2007.20598 136.216504,2008.99998 134,2008.99998 M137.775893,2009.67298 C139.370449,2008.39598 140.299854,2006.33098 139.958235,2004.06998 C139.561354,2001.44698 137.368965,1999.34798 134.722423,1999.04198 C131.070116,1998.61898 127.971432,2001.44898 127.971432,2004.99998 C127.971432,2006.88998 128.851603,2008.57398 130.224107,2009.67298 C126.852128,2010.93398 124.390463,2013.89498 124.004634,2017.89098 C123.948368,2018.48198 124.411563,2018.99998 125.008391,2018.99998 C125.519814,2018.99998 125.955881,2018.61598 126.001095,2018.10898 C126.404004,2013.64598 129.837274,2010.99998 134,2010.99998 C138.162726,2010.99998 141.595996,2013.64598 141.998905,2018.10898 C142.044119,2018.61598 142.480186,2018.99998 142.991609,2018.99998 C143.588437,2018.99998 144.051632,2018.48198 143.995366,2017.89098 C143.609537,2013.89498 141.147872,2010.93398 137.775893,2009.67298" id="profile-[%231341]"></path></g></g></g></svg>)
Felix Leif Keppmann (retired)

Sebastian Speiser (retired)
" fill="%23000000"><g id="icons" transform="translate(56.000000, 160.000000)"><path d="M134,2008.99998 C131.783496,2008.99998 129.980955,2007.20598 129.980955,2004.99998 C129.980955,2002.79398 131.783496,2000.99998 134,2000.99998 C136.216504,2000.99998 138.019045,2002.79398 138.019045,2004.99998 C138.019045,2007.20598 136.216504,2008.99998 134,2008.99998 M137.775893,2009.67298 C139.370449,2008.39598 140.299854,2006.33098 139.958235,2004.06998 C139.561354,2001.44698 137.368965,1999.34798 134.722423,1999.04198 C131.070116,1998.61898 127.971432,2001.44898 127.971432,2004.99998 C127.971432,2006.88998 128.851603,2008.57398 130.224107,2009.67298 C126.852128,2010.93398 124.390463,2013.89498 124.004634,2017.89098 C123.948368,2018.48198 124.411563,2018.99998 125.008391,2018.99998 C125.519814,2018.99998 125.955881,2018.61598 126.001095,2018.10898 C126.404004,2013.64598 129.837274,2010.99998 134,2010.99998 C138.162726,2010.99998 141.595996,2013.64598 141.998905,2018.10898 C142.044119,2018.61598 142.480186,2018.99998 142.991609,2018.99998 C143.588437,2018.99998 144.051632,2018.48198 143.995366,2017.89098 C143.609537,2013.89498 141.147872,2010.93398 137.775893,2009.67298" id="profile-[%231341]"></path></g></g></g></svg>)
Steffen Stadtmüller (retired)
Linked Data-Fu has been supported by the German Ministry for
Education and Research (project ARVIDA,
reference architecture for virtual services and applications), the
European Commission (FP7 project i-VISION, virtual
aircraft cockpit design) and the Office of Naval Research Global.
- 2024-12-19
- Pre-Christmas present: Beta version 0.9.13 available.
- 2017-03-27
- Added frequently asked questions.
- 2017-01-31
- Added links to data sources.
- 2016-05-20
- Version 0.9.10 available as part of a closed beta program.
- 2015-09-30
- Version 0.9.6 available as part of a closed beta program.
- 2015-05-23
- Experiments started (see also: ldfu robots page).
- 2015-02-05
- Beta program started.